I know God has everything to do with this new mature happy confident person I am today but I used the law of like attracts like and I've been off psychiatric meds for 5 months because of positive thinking. I have attained certain things like my job and home by applying scripture as well. I talk to God about what I've read in His Word and how it applies to my life and what would He want me to do.
I just experienced heartbreak but I repeated those words of positivity and I'm alright and if I begin to grieve I repeat to myself that I am alright and within some time I become so. I never forget to pray and thank God for feeding me or giving me a shower or limbs that are strong. But how can you explain what I have experienced. As I have prospered so have others because of it.
The Bible also says God will give you more than you'll need so that you can share the wealth and those people will give thanks to God who blessed you. Love of materialism is evil, but I desire a strong and powerful testimony that brings Him glory but it all changed for me when I decided to think and be happy. My relationship with Him strengthen because I spent less time hurting and more time conversating with Him. More time repeating happy thoughts, more time living in the moment.
There are quite a few scripture that talks about belief and receiving. We can only speculate on what actual experiences of voice hearing, if any, lie behind the gospel texts. As narratives, they include accounts of a variety of events, some of which might be construed as incorporating voice hearing experiences.
The voices – angelic, divine, and demonic – are heard at key junctures in the narrative, affirming and announcing the significance of the birth of Jesus, his identity as Son of God, and his resurrection from the dead. They are heard by Jesus himself, by the disciples, and by others too. The central voice – that of Jesus – is therefore not that of a disembodied or visionary voice, but rather that of a visible human speaker, who is bodily present. This voice, conveyed by the text, takes centre stage. Even the heavenly voice – at the baptism and transfiguration – serves primarily to affirm the identity of Jesus as Son of God. In an inverse fashion, the voice of Satan serves a similar function within the narrative.
Questioning what has been said by the divine voice at Jesus' baptism, but being out-manoeuvred by Jesus, it is eventually silenced and shown to be false. However, there are some serious problems with this view. The individual experiences of a grieving widow or widower would seem to be far removed from a group of 11 disciples and their companions all seeing and hearing Jesus at the same time. Hearing or seeing the person who has been lost as a result of bereavement is usually comforting, but almost never associated with a belief that they have come back to life and are no longer dead. It is usually fleeting or short-lived, and yet some of the resurrection narratives are concerned with relatively long interactions and conversations. Voices are encountered much less frequently in the New Testament.
The "voices" that are heard mostly appear within narratives that are presented as historical, but they are nonetheless diverse in nature. Detailed attention is given to the narratives concerned with putative voice-hearing experiences of Jesus, Peter, Paul, and John , and the associated accounts of voices linked to the canonical birth narratives and resurrection appearances of Jesus. On the one hand, "voice hearing" as a mode of divine self-communication is effectively replaced by the voice of Jesus in the gospel narratives, and by the person of Jesus as the word of God. On the other hand, where voices are narrated, they typically assume Christological significance as affirming the unique identity and authority of Jesus.
I would be careful with Marianne Williamson as she claims to be a "spiritualist," whatever that means. I see little in her books that is biblical and the law of attraction is not biblical at all. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from "pure energy", and the belief that like energy attracts like energy, so as you can see, it is not from God. Surender yourself to God your heart mind soul spirit will and entire life and you will not be misled. Now he gives me true understanding and a great peace that is priceless.
The worldly gifts and desires go away and you will only crave his truth and gifts.For those who pray for wealth just remember we cant serve two masters and money is one. When we are truly following Jesus we will realize that God sees to it that we have all we need in this world. Might not be your wants but definately our needs. The canonical gospels mark a significant change of understanding of how God speaks to people in comparison with the preceding Hebrew tradition. In the synoptic gospels, God's voice is heard primarily through the life, teaching, death, and resurrection of Jesus. In the prologue to John's gospel, Jesus is introduced as the "Word" that was in the beginning with God, and was God, and which has now lived among us.
The fact that the New Testament is essentially a proclamation of the fulfilment of God's plan in Jesus Christ, puts it in serious disagreement with the vast majority of the Jewish people who do not accept this fulfilment. The New Testament then expresses at one and the same time its attachment to Old Testament revelation and its disagreement with the Synagogue. Although profound, such disagreement in no way implies reciprocal hostility. The example of Paul in Rm 9-11 shows that, on the contrary, an attitude of respect, esteem and love for the Jewish people is the only truly Christian attitude in a situation which is mysteriously part of the beneficent and positive plan of God.
Dialogue is possible, since Jews and Christians share a rich common patrimony that unites them. It is greatly to be desired that prejudice and misunderstanding be gradually eliminated on both sides, in favour of a better understanding of the patrimony they share and to strengthen the links that bind them. So to me practising the law of attraction is no different from praying. It just reminds me that I need to have faith and be grateful.
God created us and everything there is in this universe, including science. We can never separate ourselves from him even if we wanted to. Even if his presence is not acknowledged, he is still there. You can choose to ignore him and be lost or you can believe in him and live through his power. "His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness".
Leaving aside the unique place of the voices associated with the resurrection appearances of Jesus, most of the central teaching of the gospels is to be found on the lips of Jesus himself, a very visible and bodily present human speaker. It is the authorial voice of the evangelists which bequeaths to us the passion narratives. Most of the action in Acts does not depend upon the hearing of voices. Voices do not play a major part in the Pauline epistles.
In the prologue to John's gospel, as set out in the introduction to this chapter, a strong theological case is presented for Jesus himself as taking on the identity of the divine "Word". The phenomenon of voice hearing – if it is in evidence at all – is thus, at best, marginal. The Gospels and Acts have a basic outlook on Jews that is extremely positive because they recognise that the Jews are a people chosen by God for the fulfilment of his plan of salvation.
The attachment to Jesus of a great number of Jews, during his public life and after his resurrection, confirms this perspective, as does Jesus' choice of twelve Jews to share in his mission and continue his work. The biblical prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel receive their commissions as prophets amid glorious manifestations of God. More precisely, however, he sees not him but only his glorious robe, the hem and train of which fill the whole temple of heaven. Before the throne stand the seraphim, the six-winged angels. With two wings they cover their faces so as not to gaze on God; with two they cover their feet, through modesty; and with the remaining two they fly.
Their occupation is the everlasting praise of God, which at the time of the revelation took the form of the thrice-repeated cry "Holy!" (Isa. vi.). Where the deity does not take tangible form , the broader term used for inward manifestation is divine revelation or divine inspiration. Where the spirit of god is manifest in a person the term used is divine incarnation, avatar or personification of the deity.
I think LOA is being confused with seeking material satisfaction. When there is complete understanding Of LOA or the laws of our physical world we live in, it also reads in the King James Bible. LOA and bible teaches if your living in fear, worry, stress, wishing you had what they had etc…. You don't have faith or purity so LOA will also match your material world. So it's not about the money or material conditions it's about your vibration or faith.
Thankyou I respect everyone's different points of view. The teaching here sounds a lot like the prosperity gospel which tends to extract bible verses to convey what people love to hear rather than teaching a thorough, balanced exegesis. Names like Joyce Meyer, Joel Olsteen and others mentioned fall also into this questionable category. I would not outright condemn these individual leaders as they may be sincere to a degree but caution is advised and, "if prayerfully in doubt, leave it out" is a good maxim. Cranfield also points out that there is no reason to believe that the disciples were expecting anything of this kind. This raises the interesting question as to whether normal bereavement hallucinations are in any sense "expected".
On the one hand, they are clearly not, as most people do not expect to see or hear the person whom they know has died. On the other hand, after years of familiar and daily interaction with a close friend or family member, there is inevitably an expectation or seeing and hearing them that arises out of habit and forgetfulness. The normal pattern, however, would seem to be that perceptions arising in this context are immediately subject to disconfirmation the moment that the death of the person concerned is called to mind. Other than in exceptional circumstances I am not aware of accounts of continuing hallucinations that persist despite such conscious disconfirmation. On the former point, it is not clear that such experiences are so rare. Biblical narratives, later Christian mystical literature, and recent accounts of visionary experience are replete with multimodal experiences.72 On the latter point, however, it is clear that there is an important argument to be considered.
Whilst collective hallucinations seem to be rare, they do apparently occur. Jake O'Connell describes a series of more or less well-documented cases in which groups of people appear to have shared visual religious experiences of an unusual kind. However, he identifies a number of features of these experiences that appear to put them in a different category to the New Testament resurrection narratives.
Amongst other things, people who shared these visions each saw them differently, and not everyone present reported seeing the vision. More importantly for the present purpose, O'Connell was able to identify no other examples of collective visions where the vision carried on a conversation with those present. Whilst its theological and narrative significance is clear, as confirming divine affirmation of Jesus to the three disciples and to the reader of the gospel, its historical, psychological and biographical42 fabric is not. Amongst these, John Miller's Jesus at Thirty is worthy of comment as offering a more positive psychological approach. Miller does not eschew attribution of inner disharmony to Jesus, but does so without employing diagnostic categories (Miller, 1997, pp.19–29). Miller understands Jesus as having been attracted to John the Baptist's movement as a result of inner conflicts, possibly concerning the death of Joseph, which were then resolved through a "conversion" experience at the point of his baptism.
The approach taken is firmly psychological rather than psychiatric. William James, whose account of conversion experiences is cited by Miller, proposed that voices may be a common concomitant of such experiences (p.228) but we know little about how common they may be in this context, or what their significance is. Over time Tradition produced a "second Scripture" .
No written text can adequately express all the riches of a tradition.22 The biblical sacred texts left open many questions concerning the proper understanding of Israelite faith and conduct. Notwithstanding its authority, this interpretation by itself was not deemed adequate in later times, with the result that later rabbinic explanations were added. These additions were never granted the same authority as the Talmud, they served only as an aid to interpretation. Unresolved questions were submitted to the decisions of the Grand Rabbinate.
From this perspective, one can appreciate the enormous task the Pontifical Biblical Commission set for itself in deciding to tackle the theme of the relationship between the Old and New Testaments. Important contributions have been made in this direction over recent decades. The Pontifical Biblical Commission made its own contribution in the Document published in 1993 on "The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church".
This is a conclusion, which seems to me to be of great importance for the pursuit of dialogue, but above all, for grounding the Christian faith. He says to speak things that are not as though they were and that life and death are in our mouth and that we will eat the fruit thereof. The law of Attraction is a biblical principal repackaged as if those of the new age movement thought of it but they did not. This is the first time I have written a comment on anything to do with loa or religion. I have studied both king james and law of attraction.
And at the base of law 0f attraction is the teaching of GOd. To make this short In Romans it speaks uo, see it as though it has already happend. No the earth is not flat as once thought, it is only with those who are willing to go beyond that we can heal the world with love.
There is no doubt that true godliness comes from this great mystery. The Holy Spirit proved that he was the Son of God. And undeniably great is the mystery of godliness, who was revealed in flesh, was vindicated in spirit, appeared to angels; was preached among the nations, was believed in the world, was taken up in glory.
It is quite true that the way to live a godly life is not an easy matter. But the answer lies in Christ, who came to earth as a man, was proved spotless and pure in his Spirit, was served by angels, was preached among the nations, was accepted by men everywhere, and was received up again to his glory in heaven. And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness; He who was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the spirit, Seen of angels, Preached among the nations, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory. Manifestation laws of attraction are a way of life and so is being a Christian. When it comes to Christianity and manifestation you cannot just pray about it one time and then when you don't see the answer to your prayer you give up. No, you pray, keep believing, keep praying, and not giving up until you see what you have prayed for manifest in your reality.
Also, check out my video below for Bible techniques on how to call things into existence. When it comes to the law of attraction and Christianity they are very similar in the way that they require a long-term commitment to see the manifestation of what you. They both also require being thankful and appreciative for what you do have. With the laws of attraction, you cannot practice the laws of attraction for just one day and think that you will manifest what you want.
For example, the manifestation laws of attraction assert that you can manifest money, you can manifest a job, a relationship, good health, or just about anything that you put your mind to. If you think about it enough, are positive enough, affirm it enough, and envision enough then you can manifest just about anything you want. Are you the type of person who always finds themselves typing "positive affirmations" in a search bar? Perhaps, you're trying to be more intentional with your thoughts and words.